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Sommermusik Xanten 2017

Summer Music Xanten 2017 inspires young and old

Once again in 2017, during the “Sommermusik Xanten” concert series, the artists enthralled the audience with great musical range – and comedy – and provided great entertainment.
For the third time, the joint organisers Media Spectrum GmbH & Co. KG and our partner Voila Promotion GmbH – Günter vom Dorp organised THE “Open Air with Flair” in the cathedral city of Xanten with this fantastic event. Everything from rock to classical music to pop was represented.

On the first day of Summer Music we welcomed Max Mutzke “Live 2017” on the impressive stage equipped with outstanding technology. Woodstock followed with “The Story”, Michael Mittermeier with his programme “Wild”, the Klassik Open Air with “Cinema Paradiso” – the classics of film music and a best of John Lee’s Barclay James Harvest. For the younger generation, a special spectacle was offered this year: “Die Lochis”! The hip YouTube stars not only shone on stage on the last day of Summer Music 2017 and provided an entertaining evening. Beforehand, there was also a meet-and-greet with the young fans. Here they could meet their idols in person.